
Ryan got both his bachelor's degree and master's degree in information systems at BYU. Information systems is kind of a combination between computer science and business.

Maggi, Amanda's mom, Jenny, Cameron, Amanda's dad, Amanda, Ryan
(Ryan, Cameron, and Jenny all graduated together)

Amanda got her bachelor's degree in biology teaching at BYU, and both her master's and PhD in neuroscience at Baylor. Her reason for studying neuroscience was so she could study memory (specifically, what makes one person's memory better than another person's), which she did, and still does.
Sherri, Ryan's dad, Ryan's mom, Amanda, Ryan, Heather

Education is a pretty big deal to us. We were both raised in families where education was stressed and are very grateful for the education we have received. We feel that it not only makes us more productive members of society, but also helps us to be better parents. While we would not want our children to feel pressured to receive advanced degrees, we will raise them with the expectation that they will learn all they can, they will work hard in school, and they will attain sufficient education to support themselves and their future family.